
martes, 29 de septiembre de 2015


Complete the questions with these words (When, Where, Who, What)

1. ________ is your favourite singer?

2. ________ is your house?

3. ________ is your favourite day of the week?

4. ________ is your favourite colour?

5. ________ are your English lessons?

6. ________ is your favourite movie?

7. ________ are you from?

8. ________ is near you house?

9. ________ do you live?

10. ________ is your favourite type of music?

11. ________ are your English lessons at school?

12. ________ is your favourite sportsperson?

13. ________ is your English teacher?

14. ________ is your favourite animal?

15. ________ do you like to do Saturdays?

16. ________ time do you got to school?

17. ________ is his name?

18. ________ is the museum?

19. ________ do you go to school?

20. ________ is he talking to?

21. ________ is your dog´s name?

22. ________ is the time?

23. ________ are those people?

24. ________ are you talking about?

25. ________ are you going to leave?

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